
Flight Power Microelectronics Unit (PMEU) Board 1 |
Flight Power Microelectronics Unit (PMEU) Board 1 |
- Mixed digital and analog Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) used for linear and switching regulators
- CMOS technology
- Low power: 0.05 milliwatts
- Very small and lightweight: 5.6 cubic centimeters (0.3 cubic inches), and 5 grams (~1/5th of an ounce)
- Capable of surviving high shock (<30,000 Gs) and low temperatures (> 120 C or -184 F)
- Chip-on-board packaging
Why is it exciting?
- The �last frontier� of solid state (monolithic) miniaturization. Enabling the kind of �shrinkage� enjoyed by the digital electronics for 20 years
- Offers digital-like benefits in density, functionality, reliability , rapid design turn-around and cost
- A step towards micro power management on a chip
Who needs it?
- High density instruments & sensors
- Micro assemblies
- Small rovers, landers, penetrators
- Commercial systems
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This page last updated: October 29, 1999
For comments and suggestions, or to request additional information
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4800 Oak Grove Avenue |
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