
Advanced Microcontroller (green rectangle) mounted on the forebody prism
- 80C51 microprocessor with modest data processing capability (8 bit processor, 128K RAM, 128K EEPROM, 32 digital-to-anaalog and analog-to-digital converters)
- Low power: < 6 mW at 10 Mhz, 0.5 mW in sleep mode
- Very small and lightweight: 2.2 cubic centimeters (0.13 cubic inches) and 3.2 grams (1/10th an ounce)
- Capable of surviving high shock (<30,000 Gs) and low temperatures (> 120 C or -184 F)
- High Density Interconnect (HDI) electronics packaging
Why is it exciting?
- Multi-mission and application capability
- Low mass and volume
- High shock packaging
Who needs it?
- Small systems or instruments, including microprobe, solar panel actuators, distributed propulsion systems, cryo-coolers, health and status monitors
Consortium of Developers lead by: Air Force Phillips Labs
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This page last updated: October 29, 1999
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