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September 26, 1998

John McNamee
Mars Surveyor 98 Project Manager

Mars Climate Orbiter (At Kennedy Space Center): Launch -75 Days

Hydrazine sampling and loading set up was accomplished. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) remains in hurricane condition III.

Mars Polar Lander (In Denver, Colorado): Launch -99 days

Diode re-work of the Power Distribution and Drive Unit (PDDU) and Command and Data Handling (C&DH) boxes is in process. Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) and MGSE trucks arrived safely at KSC and were unloaded at Spacecraft Assembly and Encapsulation Facility (SAEF-2). Preparations continue for the shipment of the lander to KSC on October 1. C-17 cargo plane confirmation for September 30 loading and flight from Buckley AFB was received from the Air Force.

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