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AO 99-OSS-02

Release Date: May 24, 1999
Proposals Due: August 24, 1999

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is releasing a NASA Announcement of Opportunity (AO 99-OSS-02) entitled Mars Surveyor '98 Mission Participating Scientist Program. This opportunity solicits proposals for Participating Scientists on the Mars Surveyor '98 mission whose expertise is sought for reducing and validating scientific data from the mission; preparing raw and reduced data for archiving in NASA's Planetary Data System; and analyzing, interpreting, and publishing scientific results, as well as operational components associated with the collection of data required for the proposed scientific investigation. Participation is open to all categories of organizations, foreign and domestic, including educational institutions, profit and nonprofit organizations, NASA Centers, and other Government agencies. Upon the release date specific guidance for proposal preparation will be available electronically from the World Wide Web by selecting "Research Opportunities" at:

Printed copies may be requested by E-mail to [email protected] or by writing to NASA Participating Scientist Program, Jorge Scientific Corporation, Suite 700, 400 Virginia Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20024; TEL: (202) 554-2775. Further information regarding specific program elements may be obtained from Mr. Joseph M. Boyce, Research Program Management Division, Code SR, Office of Space Science, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546-0001; TEL: (202) 358-0302; E-mail: ([email protected]).

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