Mars Polar Lander Mars Polar Lander Mars Volatiles and Climate Surveyor (MVACS) Lidar and Mars Microphone Mars Descent Imager (MARDI) Deep Space 2 Microprobes Deep Space 2 Microprobes Deep Space 2 Microprobes Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASA UCLA Images, Images, Images Current Mission Status & News What We Hope To Learn Our Mission Mars Exploration Comments Or Questions? To Find Your Way Around Mars Polar Lander Homepage Mars Volatiles and Climate Surveyor (MVACS) mplnav_mvacs.jpg
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Designing, building and operating a set of instruments on the surface of Mars is a significant undertaking that requires a large and diverse team. The MVACS team has been assembled from a wide range of institutions and countries. The MVACS team consists of over 120 people, who have job titles that range from scientist to engineer to manager to technician to archivist to programmer to producer to assistant to student. We have not yet had an opportunity to do a detailed demographic study, but the median age of the team is probably less than 30 years old.

As part of our public web site, we've offered each member of the team an opportunity to make available a photo of themselves, as well as other contact information and links. The database that has been assembled is still in the process of growing and will probably be much more complete as the mission progresses. The team public database is presently being presented as a single large .html file (be warned), and organized by sub-team with quick-links at the top.

Click here to view the MVACS Public Team Page