
Image Use Policy

MSSS operates and processes data from instruments on planetary missions under contract to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). We deliver the data acquired by those instruments to NASA's Planetary Data System (PDS) for dissemination to the scientific community and the general public. MSSS currently operates the following instruments:

Instrument Mission/Spacecraft Contract Number
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) Mars Global Surveyor JPL 959060
Mars Color Imager (MARCI) Mars Climate Orbiter JPL 1203111
Mars Descent Imager (MARDI) Mars Polar Lander JPL 1203109

In response to public interest in space exploration, MSSS produces images derived from the raw spacecraft images, which, unless otherwise indicated, are made available on our website under the conditions given below.

News Media:

News media may download, reproduce and use MSSS images and associated captions in news reporting or documentaries on MSSS and/or NASA/JPL projects and programs. Express permission for such use is not required. The following credit line is requested: "NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems." If space constraints do not permit a credit line of this length, then, "NASA/JPL/MSSS," is acceptable.


Educational institutions may download, reproduce and use MSSS images and associated captions in the preparation of course or instructional materials by teachers or students for non-profit educational activities. Express permission for such use is not required. The following credit line is requested: "NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems." If space constraints do not permit a credit line of this length, then, "NASA/JPL/MSSS," is acceptable.


Individuals may download, reproduce and use MSSS images and associated captions posted on the world wide web for personal, noncommercial purposes. Express permission for such use is not required. The following credit line is requested: "NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems." If space constraints do not permit a credit line of this length, then, "NASA/JPL/MSSS," is acceptable.


MSSS images are released in response to public interest in space exploration. Use of these images for scientific research is discouraged. The images have not been validated, and may contain artifacts which would compromise their use for scientific purposes.

If MOC images released on this website are used in scientific literature, they should be cited as follows:

M. C. Malin, K. S. Edgett, M. H. Carr, G. E. Danielson, M. E. Davies, W. K. Hartmann, A. P. Ingersoll, P. B. James, H. Masursky, A. S. McEwen, L. A. Soderblom, P. Thomas, J. Veverka, M. A. Caplinger, M. A. Ravine, T. A. Soulanille, and J. L. Warren, [Image title or other identifying text], NASA's Planetary Photojournal (, [Catalog number], [Creation date]."

If MARCI images released on this website are used in scientific literature, they should be cited as follows:

M. C. Malin, J. Bell, W. Calvin, R. T. Clancy, R. M. Haberle, P. B. James, S. W. Lee, P. C. Thomas, and M. A. Caplinger, [Image title or other identifying text], NASA's Planetary Photojournal (, [Catalog number], [Creation date]."

If MARDI images released on this website are used in scientific literature, they should be cited as follows:

M. C. Malin, M. A. Caplinger, M. H. Carr, S. Squyres, P. Thomas, and J. Veverka, [Image title or other identifying text], NASA's Planetary Photojournal (, [Catalog number], [Creation date]."

The text captions of the MSSS image releases are not peer reviewed scientific literature, and should not be treated as such. Image caption text is not to be used without permission from MSSS, requested in writing.

After a data validation period of approximately six months, all raw data will be released to the general scientific community through NASA's Planetary Data System. During mapping operations, archival releases will be phased to match convenient seasonal and operational periods. MSSS derived products (eg, images in the Planetary Photojournal) are not released through the PDS.


Permission to download, reproduce, use and distribute MSSS images for commercial purposes, other than news reporting as described above, must be requested from MSSS in writing. When submitting requests to MSSS, please include the MSSS release number and describe the proposed use in detail. Requests should be directed to: Data Rights, Malin Space Science Systems, Inc., P. O. Box 910148, San Diego, CA 92191-0148. Requests may be faxed to (858) 458-0503. E-mail requests should be addressed to [email protected].

©1999 by Malin Space Science Systems, Inc.