Descent Imaging on the Huygens Titan Probe
The Huygens spacecraft,
built by the European Space Agency, carries a descent imager called
the Descent
Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR). Huygens is being carried to
Saturn's system via the Cassini orbiter launched in October 1997.
DISR will acquire spectral data in ultraviolet, visible, and
near-infrared spectral bands and black and white and color pictures
during its 2.25 hour descent toward the surface of Titan in December
2004. The probe is not specifically designed to survive the landing,
but many investigators suspect that it will survive and be able to
transmit additional pictures from the surface of this frosty,
cloud-covered moon.
For more information about Cassini, Huygens, and DISR, see:
Artwork Credit: European Space Agency and NASA/JPL
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