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Mars Polar Lander Launch Windows

Launch period. The primary launch period is January 3-10, 1999, while a secondary period is open January 11-16 and a contingency launch period exists January 17-27. Launch during the primary period insures that the spacecraft will land December 3, 1999, within the target area from 73 to 77 degrees south latitude near Mars' south pole. If launch is delayed past the primary period, the landing latitude moves northward, and the landing is delayed. Launch at the end of the contingency period would result in an arrival date no later than December 17, 1999, and a landing about 2 degrees further north.

Daily window. One nearly instantaneous launch opportunity occurs each day during the launch period. On January 3, the opportunity is at 3:21 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST). By January 27, the launch opportunity will be at 12:53 p.m. EST.

Jan 3, 1999 20:21:10 15:21:10 13:21:10 12:21:10
Jan 4, 1999 20:13:14 15:13:14 13:13:14 12:13:14
Jan 5, 1999 20:05:42 15:05:42 13:05:42 12:05:42
Jan 6, 1999 19:57:33 14:57:33 12:57:33 11:57:33
Jan 7, 1999 19:09:03 14:09:03 12:09:03 11:09:03
Jan 8, 1999 19:40:03 14:40:03 12:40:03 11:40:03
Jan 9, 1999 19:30:05 14:30:05 12:30:05 11:30:05
Jan 10, 1999 19:19:08 14:19:08 12:19:08 11:19:08
Jan 11, 1999 19:22:03 14:22:03 12:22:03 11:22:03
Jan 12, 1999 19:25:59 14:25:59 12:25:59 11:25:59
Jan 13, 1999 19:43:06 14:43:06 12:43:06 11:43:06
Jan 14, 1999 19:47:10 14:47:10 12:47:10 11:47:10
Jan 15, 1999 19:37:55 14:37:55 12:37:55 11:37:55
Jan 16, 1999 19:35:07 14:35:07 12:35:07 11:35:07
Jan 17, 1999 19:25:28 14:25:28 12:25:28 11:25:28
Jan 18, 1999 19:15:32 14:15:32 12:15:32 11:15:32
Jan 19, 1999 19:05:15 14:05:15 12:05:15 11:05:15
Jan 20, 1999 18:54:44 13:54:44 11:54:44 10:54:44
Jan 21, 1999 18:51:40 13:51:40 11:51:40 10:51:40
Jan 22, 1999 18:41:11 13:41:11 11:41:11 10:41:11
Jan 23, 1999 18:30:17 13:30:17 11:30:17 10:30:17
Jan 24, 1999 18:19:18 13:19:18 12:19:18 11:19:18
Jan 25, 1999 18:08:05 13:08:05 11:08:05 10:08:05
Jan 26, 1999 17:56:41 12:56:41 10:56:41 09:56:41
Jan 27, 1999 17:53:45 12:53:45 10:53:45 09:53:45

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