Mars Polar Lander Launch
Watching The Launch Over The Internet
The Mars Polar Lander launch will be transmitted live in various ways over the Internet. In most cases, the broadcasts will be using NASA TV as their source.
Ames Research Center will be providing a RealVideo broadcast of the launch. A RealVideo plug in is required (it's free), and it is highly recommended that you install and test out the plugin well in advance of the launch. Both video and audio coverage will be provided.The free RealVideo plugin can be downloaded from here:
Ames site hosting RealVideo broadcast:
NASA TV will be available on CuSeeMe. CuSeeMe is a free videoconferencing program available to anyone with a Macintosh or IBM PC computer and an Internet connection. It is highly recommended that you install and test out CuSeeMe well in advance of the launch. Both video and audio coverage are provided. CuSeeMe can be downloaded from this Cornell University site:Reflector sites that broadcast NASA TV are listed here:
The Mars Surveyor 98 WebCam provides a live video stream from Kennedy Space Center using just yo ur Web browser. The WebCam supports video only, and there is no audio coverage.http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msp98/lander/ksc1.html http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msp98/lander/ksc3.html
JPL Mars Operations:
NASA TV Over The Web
Information on additional sites that transmit NASA TV over the Web is available here:http://www.nasa.gov/ntv/ntvweb.html
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