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Mars Climate Orbiter Launch Animations

Launch of the Mars Climate Orbiter spacecraft aboard a Boeing Delta II (7425) rocket on December 11, 1998.
Quicktime Animation (27 MB)

This animation was captured off of NASA TV and runs for 5 minutes. An awesome video showing the entire sequence from the camera mounted on the first stage Delta II rocket. It includes both audio and video.

Need help in running animations? Look here for information on how to setup your browser for animations.

RealVideo Animation

This video stream was captured off of NASA TV and runs for 20 minutes. An awesome video showing the entire launch! It includes both audio and video coverage. A RealVideo plugin is required to run the animation.

If you want to run the animation directory from RealPlayer (at either 200 kbps or 20 kbps),
use one of these links from within RealPlayer: (200 Kbps version) (20 Kbps version)

MPEG Movie - 2.6 MB

A time lapse movie showing the launch pad, mission control rooms and launch.

MPEG Movie - 1.9 MB
Quicktime Movie - 2.7 MB

A computer-generated animation showing the Mars Climate Orbiter leaving Earth on its way to Mars.

Need help in running animations? Look here for information on how to setup your browser for animations.

Launch Photos Also Available

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