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Mars Home Page

Mission Operations

Latest Images from Mars
View the most recent pictures of the Martian surface.

Weekly MSOP Reports
We are now reporting mission status in synopsis form on a weekly basis.

Live Spacecraft Telemetry
Follow this link to find out realtime information about all of the spacecraft's systems.

Live from MGS/Mars'98 Command Center
View live pictures of the MSOP command center. Page refreshes automatically once every minute.

Aerobraking Orbital Parameters

Key MGS Team Members
Bios of MGS Managers

Archived Mission Data

Spacecraft VRML Models
View VRML models of Spacecraft in different flight configurations.

Spacecraft Animations
Animations showing the spacecraft in relation to Mars during aerobraking. Movies can be downloaded in either Quicktime or MPEG format.

MGS Project Documents
Over 4,600 pages of detailed Mars Global Surveyor mission documents in Adobe PDF files.

Nov 97 Press Conference
Description of changes to the mission plan due to extended aerobraking.

Transition to Mapping Phase of Mission

High Gain Antenna Deployment Sequence of Events

MGS Achieves Initial Mapping Orbit 

The ABX Burn Executed Successfully

Ground Tracks of MGS Over the Surface of Mars

Mission Flight Status

Mission Overview


MGS Launch Pictures

Mars Science

Mars Links


Related Web Sites

Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Team Education Outreach Program
Lessons and Activities
for grades K-12

Planet-B Neutral Mass Spectrometer (GSFC)
Launched on July 4, 1998 to the planet Mars aboard the Japanese Planet-B spacecraft.

JPL Planetary Photo Journal
The primary repository of officially released images from all NASA solar system exploration missions.



"Mapping data from the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) aboard the Mars Global Surveyor Spacecraft has revealed volcanic compositions of much of the Martian surface. TES has revealed basaltic materials which are restricted to the Martian southern highlands and andesites (which have a higher silicon content) that display the largest concentrations in the younger northern lowlands. This implies that a fundamental change in volcanism occured at some point in the Martian past. This is the first observation of widespread andesites on Mars and raises the question of how they occur."

ASU - Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) Home Page

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For technical questions or comments on this website contact:
Kirk Goodall
([email protected]), Mars Web Engineer