3D Virtual Reality Models and Animations  
of Mars Global Surveyor 
Caution:  VRML requires significant system  
resources for effective 3-D animation and display. 

Updated:  1998 May 12

Cosmo Player  
or other VRML 2.x  
viewer required
Spacecraft Configuration Models:

     MGS Launch Configuration  (1.4 MB) hot.gif

     MGS Array Normal Spin Configuration  (1.4 MB) hot.gif

     MGS Orbit Insertion Configuration   (1.4 MB) hot.gif

     MGS Aerobraking Configuration  (1.4 MB) hot.gif

     MGS Mapping Configuration  (1.4 MB) hot.gif

Spacecraft Animations:

     MGS Solar Array Deployment  (1.5 MB) hot.gif
     MGS Configurations  (3.1 MB) hot.gif

These VRML models and animations of MGS were generated using Dview, developed by Patti M. Koenig, Ph.D, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology.