MGS Launches to Mars on Delta II

These pictures show the final steps leading up to the incredible launch of the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft onto it's trajectory to Mars, by the Delta II rocket.

Click on the small pictures to view a full-color JPEG image.


Delta payload fairing being installed around the MGS spacecraft. The fairing will protect MGS during the ascent through the earth's atmosphere, but will be ejected once in space, before the rocket sends MGS on to Mars (50k JPEG).


The Delta II Rocket a few seconds later. (33K JPEG)


After a one-day delay due to inclement weather on November 6th, the morning of November 7th promises to turn into a beautiful day for a trip to Mars! (17K JPEG)


Delta II in flight, boosting MGS into space. (33K JPEG)


Delta II Rocket just after ignition. (33K JPEG)


Nothing but smoke left, after we're on our way! .(83K JPEG)

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