
End of Aerobraking and Start of Science Phasing Orbit

Transition Time Line

( Subject to change, depending on level of drag encountered )
Date Time  Orbit Event: A = apoapsis P = periapsis
3/23/98 23:10 UTC A194 UP ABM to 0.1 N/m2 (0.5 m/s)Took orbit up to an aerobraking altitude where the dynamic pressure is 0.1 N/m2 so that aerobraking is slowed to more easily manage the arrival at the target period of 11.6 hours. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN A SATISFACTORY MANNER!
3/27/98 08:57 UTC A201 ABX-1 (Aerobraking Termination Maneuver) (4.43 m/s) A bi-propellant main engine burn to terminate aerobraking by raising the altitude of periapsis to 170 km establishing the science phasing orbit THIS EVENT HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN A SATIFACATORY MANNER!
3/27/98 19:20 UTC A202 Instrument Turn-On command window opens (shortly after A202 apoapsis which is at 20:35) THE SCIENCE TURN-ONS WERE COMPLETED IN A SATISFACTORY MANNER
3/28/98 02:24 UTC  P203

First PERISCAN ( Periapsis Science Acquisition ) Pass This will be the first time in the science phasing orbit that science data will be acquired, and the start of the six orbit period where the navigation baseline for targeted opportunities will be established.

Science acquisition will continue until early September when aerobraking will be resumed.